About me...

Curriculum Vitae

Greetings! I'm Francisco Lobo from Portugal. I was born and raised in Guimarães but later moved to the Invicta city, Porto. I obtained both my bachelor's and master's degree in Physics at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. My master's thesis was done under the supervision of Bruno Amorim and Nuno Peres. I'm also a vivid enjoyer of Ben 10.

I'm currently a PhD student of the Quantum Dynamics of Materials (QUDYMA) team under the supervision of Pablo San-José, Elsa Prada and Rui Silva at the Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) . I'm working within the field of many-body atosecond physics, devoted to understanding quantum materials and their response when driven out of equilibrium. At the moment, I'm dealing with self-consistent Majorana physics in 1D nanowire systems.

Published works

God, I wish I had a published article... In due time, in due time... COMING SOON

Scholar Thesis

I want to express my gratitude towards Professor Bruno Amorim and Professor Nuno Peres. Both of them are, without a doubt, one of the best professors and mentors one could have. I thank them for their pedagogical, kind and friendly attitude and for the patience and support shown throughout the realization of the dissertation but also in the courses they taught me. I attribute much of my academic background, specifically in quantum and condensed matter physics, to them. I would also like to thank Professor Yuliy Bludov for all the comradery that really made me feel early on that I'm in the right place.

Journal notes

Compilation of personal notes on various topics in Condensed Matter Physics, mostly useful for my own research or just for my entertainment. All of this notes are a work in progress as they are being passively kept up and updated with new topics. They may be useful to others but please be aware that it isn't peer-reviewed and will most certainly contain (a lot of) errors. If you find those please contact me, I would very much appreciate it.

Topological superconductivity

Notes based on Michael Tinkham's book "Introduction to Superconductivity" and Anton Akhmerov's online course "Tying quantum knots".
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Condensed matter concepts

Compilations of notes on scattered topics on condensed matter physics. Hence, these basically serve as a self-made wikipedia of the topics that crossed me. Often, the mere recognition of the sacred Name and its truths suffices to grasp the depth of its gaze.
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